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blood and sugar

What exactly is high blood sugar?

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Glucose in the Blood

High glucose levels are definitely linked to diabetes, which can cause major issues with your eyes, heart, and other body parts. Higher levels of glucose in the blood is inflammation markers which can lead to these problems. The pancreas in our bodies makes insulin, a hormone that controls the amount of glucose in the blood and usually keeps people from getting diabetes. Insulin works with the body’s cells to let glucose into the cells, where it can be used as energy. The blood carries glucose that the body doesn’t need and stores it as glycogen in the cells of the liver, muscles, and fat. So that the glucose in the blood stays stable, the body uses the energy it has saved up when the glucose level drops, like when someone is fasting. Weird things could happen in three ways:

  • It’s not possible for the body to make enough insulin.
  • Insulin can’t do what it’s supposed to do in our bodies because cells don’t always respond to it.
  • There is a lot of glucose being used up.

In the short run, things like not being active, stress, drinking sugary drinks after a meal, infections, illnesses, bad side effects of medications, and changes in hormone levels can all cause blood sugar to rise.

Having Diabetes and High Blood Sugar

There are several factors that can cause diabetes. Genetic problems, insulin that doesn’t work right, body cell receptors that don’t respond to insulin, a person’s race, problems with insulin excretion or the pancreas, infections, the side effects of some drugs, family history, and things like your environment and health are some of the most common causes. Type 2 diabetes can also be brought on by things like your health and your surroundings.

Types of diabetes and consistent high glucose in the blood, is a sign of the long-term disease diabetes. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas that controls glucose levels. Glucose in the blood is body’s main energy source. People get diabetes when their bodies either don’t make enough insulin (or any insulin at all) or don’t use the insulin they do make properly. This raises glucose in the blood, which can cause a number of health problems if it is not controlled.

Glucose in the Blood

Diabetes can be broken down into many groups, but the most common ones are:

1. Diabetes type 1: This is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and kills the beta cells in the pancreas that make insulin. People with type 1 diabetes will always need insulin to keep level of glucose in the blood under control. It often starts early in children, but it can happen to anyone. Type 1 diabetes is mostly an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system attacks and kills beta cells in the pancreas that make insulin. The real reason is unknown, but the following may be factors:

  • People who have a family background of Type 1 diabetes are more likely to get the disease themselves, which suggests that it has a genetic component.
  • Some environmental factors, like being exposed to certain chemicals or viruses, are thought to set off the autoimmune reaction in people who are genetically more likely to get it.
  • People who get infections from viruses, like some enteroviruses, are more likely to develop Type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. It is marked by insulin resistance, which happens when cells in the body don’t respond properly to insulin. At first, the pancreas adjusts by making more insulin, but this might not be enough to keep glucose in the blood sugar at normal level over period of time.

Type 2 diabetes is often linked to being overweight, not being active, and eating poorly. It usually shows up when a person is older, but kids and teens are being identified with it more and more. Type 2 diabetes is closely linked to both the way you live and your genes. The following are common things that put people at risk for and lead to type 2 diabetes:


Obesity: Being overweight, especially around the middle, is a major risk factor.

Resistance to Insulin: Fat cells, especially abdominal fat, can make insulin resistance worse.

Lack of physical activity: Not being active can make insulin less effective and make type 2 diabetes more likely.

Foods: Eating a lot of processed foods, refined carbs, and fatty fats can make you more likely to get type 2 diabetes.

Genes: Family background may be important because some people are more likely to get type 2 diabetes than others.

Age: The chance of getting Type 2 diabetes goes up with age, especially after 45.

Prenatal Diabetes: Women who have prenatal diabetes are more likely to get Type 2 diabetes later in life. African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans are more likely to get Type 2 diabetes than other ethnic groups. If your body isn’t making enough insulin to meet your needs during pregnancy, you may develop gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes usually goes away after giving birth, but women who have had it are more likely to get Type 2 diabetes later in life.

During pregnancy, gestational diabetes can happen, which is usually caused by changes in hormones. These things put you at risk of getting gestational diabetes. Women who were overweight or obese before they got pregnant are more likely to have this problem. Gestational diabetes is more likely to happen to women over the age of 25.

Diabetes in the family: If someone in your family has diabetes, you may be more likely to get it yourself.
Similar to Type 2 diabetes, some racial and ethnic groups are more likely to get it. Even though these are common reasons why people get diabetes, it’s important to remember that diabetes is a difficult disease that is affected by many things.

A healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet can help lower the chance of getting Type 2 diabetes, even in people who are genetically more likely to get it. Also, finding and treating diabetes early is very important for both preventing it and getting the best care for it. Diabetes causes people to urinate a lot, be thirsty, lose weight for no apparent reason, feel tired, have blurry vision, and have trouble healing wounds. Diabetes can cause serious problems like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damage, eye problems, and circulation issues that can lead to amputations if it is not diagnosed or treated properly.

Remember that regular physical exercise is crucial to treating diabetes or managing prediabetes, along with your diet planningweight management, and medications. Because your cells become more responsive to insulin while you are active, your blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, can be lowered more successfully. Take your medications regularly and follow up with your healthcare specialist. You can see all our Diabetic Supplies products here. Visit our Facebook account.

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